Create randomly initialized models to determine the correct number of components by assessing model quality metrics.
Create randomly initialized models to determine the correct number of components by assessing model quality metrics.
minNumComponents = 1,
maxNumComponents = 5,
numRepetitions = 100,
method = "als",
ctol = 1e-06,
maxit = 2500,
max_fn = 10000,
rel_tol = 1e-08,
abs_tol = 1e-08,
grad_tol = 1e-08,
numCores = 1
- X
Input data
- minNumComponents
Minimum number of components (default 1).
- maxNumComponents
Maximum number of components (default 5).
- numRepetitions
Number of randomly initialized models to create (default 100).
- method
Use ALS algorithm ("als", default) or use all-at-once optimization ("opt"). The all-at-once optimization is based on a nonlinear conjugate gradient method with Hestenes-Stiefel updates and the More-Thuente line search algorithm.
- ctol
Change in SSQ needed for model to be converged (default 1e-6).
- maxit
Maximum number of iterations (default 2500).
- max_fn
Maximum number of function evaluations allowed without convergence in the OPT case (default 10000).
- rel_tol
Relative change in loss tolerated to call the algorithm converged in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- abs_tol
Absolute loss tolerated to call the algorithm converged in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- grad_tol
Tolerance on the two-norm of the gradient divided over the number of elements in the gradient in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- numCores
Number of cores to use. If set larger than 1, it will run the job in parallel (default 1)